Tuesday, February 10, 2009


" From the (earth) did We create you, and into itshall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again. "

Ta-Ha (20) : 55

  • Praise to Allah who created the Earth. The Sun and Earth that moves in their orbit caused the day and night phenomenon.Allah created the Earth for its specific function.for example Earth's gravity is for the creatures..
  • Hence,we must always praise to Allah..
  • Alhamdulillah....

Grammar :

  • jap ye ustaz..x sempat nak publish


" Even if We opened out to them a gate from the heaven and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein, they would only say " Our eyes have been intoxicated. Nay, We have been bewitched by the sorcery. "

Al-Hijr (15) : 14-15

  • text comprehension : the sky consist of 7 layers. the light shines from it..thousands of stars at the sky..and the movement of planet is on its own position..hemmmm..sebenanye x paham sgt text ni,sbb tertido dalam klas...ngeee~

Grammar :

  • ﻜﺄﻥ : seolah-olah
  • ﻅﻝ,ﻅﻠﺕ : masih
  • ﻠﻭ


" With power and skill did We construct the firmament: for it is We who crate the vastness of space.And We have spread out the (spacious) excellently We do spread out."

Az-Zariyat (51) : 47-48

  • the dialogue btw a student and his teacher.
  • it is about how Allah created the skies.

Grammar :

  • it's hard to understand..sorry


" Allah is He who created seven firmaments,and of the Earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His Command: that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in (His) knowledge. "

At-Talaq (65) : 12

  • the dialogue btw a mother and her son.
  • the dialogue story about the Earth that consists of 7 layers of skies.

Grammar :

  • ﺠﻤﻭﻉﺍﻠﻜﻠﻤﺎﺕ : singlular and plural
  • ﻹﺴﺌﻠﺔﻭﺍﻹﺠﺎﺒﺎﺕ : kemahiran soal jawab

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TanGgaL 16 December

kelas diadakn di multipurpose lab
kite masuk lab ye kawan2!!!
jgn on Myspace je kejenye...
ust da bg keje...
-pemahaman text mengenai dialog dua sahabat ttg pelajaran yg diorg pelajari...
-kmudian isi tmpt kosong dngn pkataan...
atas,dengan,dalam,untuk dan drpd....
-kmudian isi ayat dengan 'verb' yg sesuai mngikut bilangan subjek...
-skali lg saya pelajari tntg pggunaan 'kana' dan 'kanat'
iaitu 'telah'bg lelaki(kana) dan juga ppuan(kanat)...
-kmudian mnyambung ayat dngan mmbetulkn 'verb'
-buat ayat dpd gmba yg diberi...
-gamba die ade kaler....
da maju...

KeseMpurnaan kerja?

ye lor....
it has been written in Al Quran..
surah An-Naml (27) : 88 ....
kite mestilah mementingkan kesempurnaan kerja ye...
for vocab : adehhh...tulisan jawi xde la...
xley nak xplain....

Kepentingan Kerja?

topic 4 today is kepentingan kerja...
petikan dari surah Al-Tauba (9) : 105..
it tells us about kepentingan kerja...
vocab : Li (untuk)
Sa (akan)

thats all...
chalow betey!!